zaterdag 14 maart 2015

How to Draw Babies

How to Draw Babies
All the straight lines and even proportions you can use on adults don't work on babies. And for some reason, any little thing you get wrong is going to look much worse than any little thing you get wrong on an adult

Babies are all circles. If you were doing an under drawing (don't), the head would be a circle, the cheeks would be circles, the eyes and irises, the chin, and the end of the nose. They're not perfect circles, but they're circles. Well, sometimes they are perfect circles.

The important thing to remember is to make that forehead huge. Seriously, go ahead and make that thing bigger than you think it should be. Then go in again, and make it even bigger. It's hard to mess up a baby by making it's head too big, but it's going to look crazy if you make it too small. The eye line on a baby is much lower than the eye line on a full grown man.

If you find you've been drawing a lot of straight lines to outline the face, you're going to have problems here. Every line has a smooth curve. You have to outline the whole cheek with one, smooth, thick-to-thin line. You have to draw the eyes with two gentle, controlled curves.

There are two sets of lines you should never draw on a baby. The first are those chubby cheek lines that connect the corners of the mouth to the sides of the nose. The next are the lines under the eyes... eye bags on adults.

I know most babies have lines right there, where their chubby cheeks connect the corners of their mouth to their nose. But don't draw them. For some reason, chubby cheeks look really cute if you draw that line at the mouth, and a lot worse if you bring it all the way up to the nose. Just suggest it, don't draw the whole thing. And those lines under the eyes? Just don't do them at all, unless they're really, really important to the likeness. In that case, just be delicate, and be aware that they might wreck all the cuteness.

Those are the basics. Stick with circles, delicate lines, and big foreheads and you'll be fine. Time to get over to Flickr and start practising!

Drawing Courses:

Pencil Drawing Made Easy
What really makes this course stand out from the rest is that it goes much deeper than any of the other courses I have seen. There are even classes on how to draw material textures and hands.
For more info click here

Drawing Secrets Revealed
Incorporates brain research and proven drawing techniques to provide the more organized, easy-to-grasp training for artists who want to improve their drawing skills.
For more info click here

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery Home Study Course
A "truly" step-by-step guide showing you how to achieve a certain outcome with helpful descriptions.
For more info click here

About the Author
Tielman Cheaney teaches caricature art in Las Vegas Nevada. His website is

Article Source: How to Draw Babies

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