donderdag 24 juli 2014

Learn How to Draw A Horse

Learn how to draw a horseOne of the most popular subjects of peoples drawing is animals. Unfortunately, very few people can actually draw so most pictures drawn of animals such as horses, penguins and dragons look like absolute garbage. This is actually very ironic because many people could actually be half way decent at drawing if they just applied a few simple drawing techniques to their artwork. Its common belief that you have to have some special gift to be able to draw well, and while some people are naturally better at drawing then others this simply is not true. Drawing is like any other skill, it takes practice and proper technique.

One thing many people do not understand is that you must take your time when drawing a detailed animal drawing. What most people do is sit down and sketch out the entire body of the animal they are drawing within a 30 minute period. The secret most great detail oriented artist have is that they spend almost more time preparing to draw the drawing. It actually take a great amount of planning when you are drawing a true to life picture.

One of the most common mistakes made by people wanting to draw is there is no real strategy to how they draw the animal. For example, if they were learning how to draw a horse they would just randomly start on a hoof and then jump to the head, and then start shading in the head. This leads to a total mess when it comes to the end product. Drawing a animal such as a horse is like planning to build a house.

There are literally thousands of tips that I could reveal to you about drawing animals. However, if you are just getting started there are a few basic things you can do to really improve your drawing. First and foremost you must take your time and plan out the drawing. One thing most artist do is simply draw the outline of the drawing for a while, once they have the per portions right they then start work on the drawing. This also relates to my second tip, do not start working on the details until you have the full drawing outline. Many people will start working on something such as the hair, and they will not be able to make it uniform with the rest of the body because they have not provided enough room. This would be prevented by having an outline.

There are countless more techniques to learn if you want to become a proficient artist. I suggest looking into some books or classes if you want to continue enhancing this excellent hobby.

Article Source: Learn How to Draw A Horse

Drawing Courses:

Pencil Drawing Made Easy
What really makes this course stand out from the rest is that it goes much deeper than any of the other courses I have seen. There are even classes on how to draw material textures and hands. For more info click here

Drawing Secrets Revealed
Incorporates brain research and proven drawing techniques to provide the more organized, easy-to-grasp training for artists who want to improve their drawing skills. For more info click here

Create your own 3D animations. For more info click here

Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery Home Study Course
A "truly" step-by-step guide showing you how to achieve a certain outcome with helpful descriptions. For more info click here

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